What Champagne Should I Buy? A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Bottle


Selecting the right champagne can elevate any celebration or special moment. However, with countless options available, choosing the perfect bottle can be a daunting task. Factors such as style, taste preferences, occasion, and budget all come into play. In this article, we will provide you with a guide to help you navigate the world of champagne and make an informed decision on what champagne to buy.

What champagne to choose? Laurent Perrier brut

  1. Understand Champagne Styles:

Champagne comes in various styles, each offering distinct characteristics:

  • Non-Vintage (NV) Champagne: Non-vintage champagne is a blend of wines from different years. It aims for consistency and represents the house style. NV champagnes are versatile, suitable for casual gatherings, and often more affordable.

  • Vintage Champagne: Vintage champagne is made from grapes harvested in a specific year. It reflects the unique characteristics of that particular harvest. Vintage champagnes tend to have more complexity and are ideal for special occasions or as gifts.

  • Rosé Champagne: Rosé champagne gets its pink hue from contact with grape skins during maceration or by blending red and white wines. Rosé champagnes offer a range of flavors from delicate to rich and are perfect for romantic occasions or as an aperitif.

  1. Consider Your Taste Preferences:

Champagnes vary in taste profiles, offering a range from crisp and light to rich and creamy. Factors such as grape varieties used (Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier), dosage (sugar level), and aging can influence the taste. Determine whether you prefer a lean and vibrant champagne or a fuller-bodied, more opulent style.

  1. Research Champagne Houses and Growers:

Get to know reputable champagne houses and growers. Champagne houses often have well-established brands with consistent quality and recognizable styles. Growers, on the other hand, produce champagne from their own vineyards, showcasing unique terroir and artisanal craftsmanship.

  1. Consider the Occasion:

The occasion for which you're purchasing champagne can influence your selection. For casual gatherings, a good non-vintage champagne or a grower champagne can be an excellent choice. Special milestones may call for vintage champagne or a prestigious cuvée from a renowned house for instance Dom Perignon, Krug or Ruinart which all are available on our exclusive selection. So choose your champagne after the significance of the occasion and select accordingly. We have champagnes for all occasions and through email we can provide guiding for choosing the right bottle.

  1. Set a Budget:

Champagne prices can vary significantly. Set a budget range before exploring options. While prestigious brands and vintage champagnes can be costly, there are also excellent value options available. Remember that quality champagne can be found at different price points.

  1. Seek Recommendations and Reviews:

Consulting wine experts, sommeliers, or trusted sources can help narrow down your choices. Additionally, reading reviews, online wine forums, or consulting with knowledgeable wine merchants can provide valuable insights and recommendations.

  1. Experiment and Discover:

Don't be afraid to explore new champagnes and expand your palate. Consider trying champagne from smaller, lesser-known producers or different regions within the Champagne region. Tastings and wine events can provide opportunities to sample a variety of champagnes and find hidden gems.


Choosing the right champagne involves considering your preferences, understanding the different styles, researching reputable producers, and considering the occasion and your budget. Whether it's a non-vintage champagne for a casual celebration or a prestigious vintage bottle for a momentous occasion, exploring the world of champagne can be an exciting journey. With a little knowledge and exploration, you'll find the perfect champagne to add sparkle and joy to any event. Cheers!

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