What is champagne brut?

Champagne Brut is a term used to describe the dryness or sweetness level of a champagne. It is the most common and widely consumed style of champagne. "Brut" translates to "raw" or "unrefined" in French, but in the context of champagne, it refers to a relatively low sugar content.

Champagne Brut is characterized by its crispness and dry taste, with minimal residual sugar. The sugar level in Brut champagnes is typically less than 12 grams per liter, as regulated by the Champagne appellation. This dryness allows the natural acidity and flavors of the grapes to shine through, providing a refreshing and balanced drinking experience.

Denis Patoux rose champagne

The term "Brut" can further be categorized into different sub-levels based on the sugar content:

  1. Brut Nature/Zero: Also known as "Brut Nature" or "Zero Dosage," this is the driest style of champagne with no added sugar. It has a sugar content of less than 3 grams per liter. Brut Nature champagnes offer a pure expression of the grapes and are favored by those who prefer an extremely dry taste.

  2. Extra Brut: This style of champagne has a slightly higher sugar content than Brut Nature, with less than 6 grams per liter. It is still very dry but may exhibit a touch of sweetness.

  3. Brut: The standard Brut category has a sugar content of less than 12 grams per liter. It is the most common style of champagne and strikes a balance between dryness and a hint of sweetness.

While Brut is considered dry, it's important to note that champagne's inherent acidity can sometimes create a perception of brightness and freshness that might counterbalance any residual sweetness.

When selecting a champagne, it's a good idea to check the label for the sugar level specified as "Brut" or "Brut Nature" to ensure it aligns with your preferred taste preference for dryness.

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